Download ZAKARRAK – Larga Vida… 1992 Megaupload

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Zakarrak were one of Spanish most representative Oi! bands from the nineties. The band was formed back in 1986 in Mondragón (Guipúzcoa) by Petete, Sabih, Oscar, Pexeto and Mitxel and released two demo tapes, one in 1988 and another in 1990. In 1992 they released their debut album “Larga Vida…” which was released via Overdrive on cassette, vinyl and CD, plus Germany released a bootleg in blue & green vinyl for this album. They were solid Oisters!! in the 90’s and they put more rock’n’roll and heavy sound into their music and were more gifted as musicians than most of the bands from their time. Some songs from Zakarrak have become classics for following generations. Now a warm shower, it’s raining so more time for posting.

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