Download Yeah Yeah Yeahs unearth lo-fi demo “Phone Jam”: Stream Megaupload

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Yeah Yeah Yeahs have been getting nostalgic on their social accounts as of late, posting a series of throwback photos circa 2002-2004, an era that encompassed the release of their landmark debut album, Fever to Tell. Now, they’ve unveiled a six-minute track demo called “Phone Jam” along with artwork that features a cassette tape dating back to June 2002.

As for the song itself, it combines casual snippets of conversation with an extended morass of sloppy vocals, dirty guitar riffs, and steady percussion. Listen to it above.

As Stereogum notes, the most obvious conclusion here is that a reissue of the album is on the way, especially considering the song’s accompanying tweet includes a #FeverToTell hashtag. Well, we’ll find out tomorrow, apparently, as the post promises as much.

Beginning next month, Yeah Yeah Yeahs will play their first public shows in four years at the Growlers Six and Sound On Sound music festivals.

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