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The usual shit….

First week in office has seen agreements signed away, Walls to go up, when it’s bridges that are needed. It’s a time to connect not to contain and constrict. Why should the rest of the world worry about what goes on in America? Apart from a return to the dark ages, as Trump bars Muslims from everywhere except Saudi Arabia from entering the USA, Money talks, Bullshit walks! Rights and Civil Liberties are signed away in a fervour of fear. Why indeed should the rest of the world care?

Well….where people lead others follow, and as leader of the so-called Free World, the position of President is a rather important role for a Misogynistic Bigot to have, it will legitimise similar behaviours in people; the rise of Race hate crime, sexism in the work place etc, That’s if we let it happen. Like it or not Brexit and Trump have happened. We have to accept that, but what we don’t have to accept is the Bullshit! Or ‘Alternative facts’ as Trumps people call it! The truth is Trump, Farage and Hopkins are all Cunts’n’Cows. It’s the Pied Piper and the Emperors New Clothes master race mash-up mix based on popularism and a perverted Democracy where the loser becomes the winner and some times they don’t even get elected by the people.

Talking of which….
British Prime Sinister Theresa May visits Washington; shakes the hand, kisses the arse then sucks the cock of Donald Trump, Trade, trade, trade, export, export, import, import, money, money, money. Gotta get a good deal for Ukplc at any cost, and money comes before morals in the ‘special relationship’ just look at what Maggie and Ronnie got up to in the 80’s! This is gonna be an er(a)ror of a new form of globalisation with a dark fascist heart, if fascists have a heart. This is also gonna be a time for mass protests across the globe as citizens of the world unite, remember we have nothing to lose except our freedoms!

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