Download Uncut Magazine’s…bullshit. Megaupload

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A few months ago I did an interview for “Uncut” magazine about the punk scene in Carlisle (see the post below). At the end of the interview I asked them to let me know when the article would be ready and if it was possible to have a rough copy posted to me. They said Ok they would do it.

Well I found out the article has been published in December’s issue 2017. I did not hear from them about the article, I heard from someone via this blog. Also I did not get any rough copy as promised.

It seems that some things don’t change. Remember all the bullshit back in the 80s, well some people have moved on from that and I guess some people have not. All we can do is learn and move on with it.

I learned (through my ethnomusicology research) it is good practice to support your “source material”. After all this is how you keep the interaction going.

I guess they feel it is OK to ignore the good will of the interviewees, or perhaps it is the hectic life style of the “Southern elite”? Perhaps the old ways have not changed, and the north and south divide is still dividing us… or perhaps it is just bullshit.

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