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Where is the truth? What is the truth? and whose truth is it anyway? Smoke and mirrors!

Fake news, alternative facts and Bullshit broadcasts, there is no truth just propaganda and Orwellian New-speak; these are the real weapons of mass destruction as the powers that we let be try to manipulate the minds of the masses. It’s all about control, and it will take less than 45 minutes!

If people don’t know the truth or aren’t told the truth then they will believe anything.

Brexit, the big lie….£350 million will be spent on NHS when Britain leaves EU….Bullshit, will it! I know several people who based their decision to vote leave on the basis of this alternative fact. I tried to tell them that it wasn’t gonna happen, and that it was a lie to get their vote, but they didn’t believe me!

Soon no-one will Know the truth, there will be No truth. The people will be fooled all the time, as they have been for most of the time. Now is the time, more people are starting to see through the lies that they had previously been told were the truth; Hillsborough, WOMD in Iraq etc. Citizens get angry! Fight truth decay, before the lies rot it away!

Totalitarian states are built on miss-information….they divide, they rule!
Let us see what the future brings, and it will begin with what we take to the party. (It won’t be any veg that’s for sure, sniff, sniff….what’s that I smell….BULLSHIT!)    Citizens of the world unite, we will have nothing to lose when a new dawn rises on not just another day! It may not be tomorrow, but it is coming. Trust me!  That’s if they haven’t turned everyone into a vegetable!

In some sort of art imitating life media statement I see that Channel4 have announced that next week is fake news week and are broadcasting a series of programs about the phenomena. Strange and interesting times that is for sure.  Stay tuned folks!

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