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As punk music changed and evolved over the UK, it also did in Carlisle in its own way. People who were one time Punks/Mods/New Wave formed new bands and played a different type of music.

I knew Scog (Men Upstairs/Rich Boy Perfection) from the 1st ever punk band I was in…in fact it was not a band that gigged, it was 2 of us playing in his parents basement, but he had a musical history even then (The Pedestrians/8 From 80); and we find, as punks came of age in the mid 80s, so did the musicians, reflecting the musical changes that were happening nationwide. The ’80 from 80′ crowd had transmuted into “style” !

Neil and Duno (Daisychain), and Scog I knew from Trinity school (Carlisle is such a place where you know everyone…slightly), Duno being a parker Mod with a grin as wide as the Solway Estuary; Neil, I remember having a “rather posh drum kit” not like our D.I.Y punk efforts.

The 2 bands here were a representative of the music scene I am talking about. I don’t know much about their history, Carlisle being small, yet it is easy to move in very different circles. But welcome others to tell their story.

The Men Upstairs

Nick Scott writes, “The Twiggs and “The Men Upstairs” alter egos…The Men Upstairs was me and Paul Musgrave who was the second singer in ‘Celtic Storm’ after Dave Beattie”

Nick Scott sends and cleaver bit of publicity:





The Daisy Chain Connection
The Daisychain Connection, achieved a level of success in the 80s that still holds true today, more of a clean cut style. There is a Facebook page for more info Facebook: Daisychain Connection

Also some Youtube links…

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