Band Name: The Adicts
Music Album: Songs Of Praise
Album Release Date: December 1982
Music Genre: Punk Rock
Record Label: Fallout Records
Album Release Country: United Kingdom
Music Record Type: 16 Tracks Vinyl
Punk band from the UK, formed late 1977 after previous incarnations as Afterbirth & the Pinz.
The Band:
Keith Warren (2) aka Monkey (16) - Vocals
Pete Davison (2) aka Pete Dee (2) - Guitar
Michael Davison aka Kid Dee - Drums
Highko Strom - Guitar
Kiki Kabel - Bass
Former members:
Dave Menza - Bass
Shahen Hagobian - Bass
John Ellis (20) aka Scruff (4) - Guitar
Dan Gratziani - Violin
Mel Ellis - Bass