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By Hayden Wright

Taylor Swift scored a legal victory against the Denver DJ she’s sued for a 2013 incident in which he allegedly groped her. In court documents, David “Jackson” Mueller admitted to destroying a laptop, cell phone, iPad and computer, which contained key evidence in the case against him.

Related: Taylor Swift Legal Expert Challenged in Sexual Assault Case

Mueller originally sued Swift in September 2015, claiming her allegation was the reason he lost his job. Swift countersued the next month for assault and battery. Court documents (below) indicate that he secretly recorded a two-hour meeting with his boss, which those electronic devices contained. The meeting took place one day before Mueller was fired.

According to Mueller’s former boss Robert Call, Mueller’s story changed during the course of their conversation — during which he was confronted with Swift’s allegations.

U.S. District Judge William Martinez formally sanctioned Mueller for destroying the devices and permitted Swift’s legal team to question the DJ about his recordings. Martinez noted the “serial nature of (his) loss of electronic devices,” but added that they weren’t destroyed “in bad faith.”

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