![[Year-End] – ‘The Fire’ (2018) [Year-End] – ‘The Fire’ (2018)](/wp-content/uploads/musicophilia.files_.wordpress.comthe-fire_v01a-816304cffdf68d6ab1e704df9ddc9b959905f678-250x250.jpg)
[Year-End] – ‘The Fire’ (2018)
¶ ¶ Stream the mix while you read; download at the bottom of this post. ¶ As you might guess if you’ve listened to many ..
¶ ¶ Stream the mix while you read; download at the bottom of this post. ¶ As you might guess if you’ve listened to many ..
¶ ¶ Continuing the tradition of Musicophilia’s most adventurous (and admittedly, least popular) mixes, the ‘Sensory ..
¶ ¶ Tracklist, stream and download after the “more…” link. Rather just let the music do the talking on this ..
¶ ¶ ¶ On my latest trip to Paris, in a little hole-in-the-wall in the Montparnasse, I chanced upon another forgotten compilation ..
¶ ¶ Three years on from the first two volumes (‘His Heart Had Six Strings‘ and ‘Her Heart Had Six Strings‘) ..
¶ ¶ Hello! Musicophilia is at this point mostly a memory–but it’s back from the dead, at least for a little ..
Musicophilia has been in defacto semi-retirement for most of the last couple years, as life has made mix-making infeasible (and even music ..
¶ ¶ ‘A Year in the Light’ began as the 2010 installment of the ‘Get Off My Lawn‘ series, but ended up as something ..
¶ ¶ Superficially, the ‘1981‘ box set tells the story of just one year; not even really the whole year, but one year ..
¶ ¶ This is the fourth posted mix from the 10-disc, 400+ band ‘1981’ Box Set I put together in 2004-2005. (For ..
¶ ¶ Finally following up ‘His Heart Had Six Strings,’ here’s the second volume in Musicophilia’s singer-songwriter ..
¶ ¶ Say the words “singer-songwriter” to some music geeks, and you may induce a Pavlovian cringe. It’s ..
Sorry for the lack of new mixes lately, everyone. The demands of planning for graduate school and other life-concerns have kept me from ..
¶ ¶ Ten years out from 2019, it’s pretty clear ‘Blade Runner‘ was a little off the mark in terms of flying cars, ..
It’s probably no surprise to any long-time Musicophilia listener, but I’m pretty disinclined to spend much time concentrating ..
Just a quick update, since things have been quiet here lately: “real life” has once again intruded on the important business ..
October 4th marks the one-year anniversary of Musicophilia’s first post and first mix, and in that time the blog has featured almost ..
¶ ¶ http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/696762/Musicophilia-Daily/2009-09/Furey%2C%20Lewis%20-%20Last%20Night%20%281975%29.mp3 Following ..
¶ ¶ http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/696762/Musicophilia-Daily/2009-08/Texier%2C%20Henri%20-%20Le%20Piroguier%20%281976%29%20%28V-9%29.mp3 ..
Musicophilia’s 1st birthday is coming up soon, and by then the blog will feature over 50 mixes! In order to make them easier to find, ..
Hello everyone. My girlfriend posted last week to let you know why I’d gone silent, and I’m happy to be able to post myself ..
¶ ¶ Today I’m very happy to present ‘Somniloquies,’ mixed by our fourth guest contributor, the sound-obsessed ..
¶ ¶ I’m pleased to present ‘Good Morning,’ Musicophilia’s third guest mix (with several more soon to come). ..
Following up part one of an interview conducted by Hiram Lucke of The Harvey Girls at Portland-based label/magazine Circle Into Square, ..
¶ ¶ [UPDATE: Great news–the album is set to be reissued in 2010 on the Bureau B label (home of Faust, Cluster, Wolfgang ..
¶ ¶ If you’re listening here at Musicophilia, odds are you’re a devotee of Can’s early records. But the ‘received ..
An unusual post today: I’ve been interviewed about the Musicophilia blogs, music and the internet, the role of the ‘geek ..
As I mentioned previously, I’m always interested in featuring music made by Musicophilia-listeners at Musicophilia Daily. But I’ve ..
All nine mixes from the ‘1981’ Box Set are now available in full! That’s hundreds of key artists, the famed and the forgotten, ..
The last couple months have seemed a little slower than usual, but looking back there’s still been some stuff I’m proud of. ..
¶ ¶ So far, eight of the nine ‘1981‘ mixes from the box set released in 2004-2005 have been “reissued” ..
¶ ¶ One element of post-punk that’s generally overlooked in the prevailing narratives (grey overcoats, “art school,” ..
¶ ¶ Before spring wins out, winter gives it one last shot, and the night can seem colder than ever. And so this album seems ..
¶ ¶ And now, as they say, for something completely different: Musicophilia’s 2nd guest-mix, graciously crafted and contributed ..
¶ ¶ ‘How to Say 1981 in German‘ is a Musicophilia’s first “addendum mix” to the ‘1981’ ..
Things are still getting cooking over at Musicophilia Daily a few weeks in. Already there have been over 40 tracks shared, numerous ..
¶ ¶ Ah, the teenage rite of passage known as “the crush mix”. Those doting collections of indie-pop/indie-folk ..
Just a quick note to apologise for the lack of new mixes in the last couple of weeks; hopefully the break has provided an opportunity for everyone ..
¶ ¶ For those of you who enjoy the mixes from the ‘1981’ set–there’s a whole other side to the box that ..
¶ ¶ In case you haven’t yet had the chance to check out Musicophilia‘s new sister-blog, Musicophilia Daily, here’s ..
Hosting and Bandwidth? Well, unfortunately that didn’t take long. . . It seems that at least for some people, the audio streams ..
After five months, 30,000 views, and over 6,600 downloads of more than 30 mixes, it’s time for Musicophilia to expand. My ultimate ..
¶ ¶ Following my contribution from last week, ‘Tall Stories of Evil Gris-Gris,’ I’m proud to bring you the second ..
¶ ¶ I think I’ve been a non-practicing producer since I got my first pair of headphones: I’ve always been pulled ..
¶ ¶ [NOTE: This mix is now available to download from Musicophilia here.] Musicophilia is happy to announce a first with this ..
¶ Just a quick technical note: I briefly used Feedburner for new RSS subscriptions to Musicophilia, without realising that doing so created ..
¶ ¶ As exciting as it must have felt if you were in the right place with the right people in 1981, my guess is that within a couple ..
This may be unnecessary. I may be overreaching like some old geezer who’s just read about “this Web 2.0 thing on the internets ..
¶ ¶ Volume Two of ‘The Young Lady’s Post-Punk Handbook’ continues an exploration of some of the contributions ..
¶ ¶ The first mix of a three-part series, Volume 1 of ‘The Young Lady’s Post-Punk Handbook’ is Musicophilia’s ..