Band Name: Svart Snö
Music Album: Ren, Säker Och Billig!
Album Release Date: December 1989
Music Genre: Punk Rock Hardcore
Record Label: Finn Records
Album Release Country: Sweden
Music Record Type: 4 Tracks Vinyl 7" EP
Hardcore/punk band from Stockholm, Sweden. Svart Snö existed between 1987 and 1997.
4 Tracks
A1 | Det Hände Ändå |
A2 | Moralkakor |
B1 | Døda Mig |
B2 | Ren, Säker & Billig |
Recorded on April 27th, 1989 @ ABF Studion, Jakobsberg, Sweden.
Mixed on April 29th/30th, 1989 @ Random Music.
Comes with a lyric insert and a mailorder insert from Finn Records.
Cutting company and engineer uncredited, identified by the matrix etchings.
Pressing company uncredited, identified by the matrix etchings.
First press: 1000 copies
2nd press: Approx 1500 copies (2nd press printed on the cover sleeve)
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