Download Sets For Sundays – Episode #019 – Kick Back, Hit Play and Chill Megaupload

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Hey folks!

I haven’t resumed the weekly music shows on this blog after the start of the year. But it’s better late than never, as the saying goes.

So I’m keeping the writing minimal this weekend and I’m posting it a day early for you guys to enjoy the weekend with these awesome sets.

Two of them are live and the other is a rare old album I don’t think you’ve heard of(but should).

Set #001 – BAD BAD NOT GOOD(Live)

Okay so this popped up on Youtube this morning and I’m a huge fan of BBNG. It’s a 30 min mini concert of their new album -IV. You can check the review of that album I wrote last year here –

These guys are so young and so insanely talented it’s not even normal.

So here is the video!

Set #002 – TERRY REID -RIVER(1973)

This is a must listen. I don’t know how many people know about Terry Reid but I’m glad I discovered him this year.

Check out his wikipedia page->

Here is a very very interesting quote on it. I don’t know how true this is, but it’s quite mind-blowing. So apparently.. “Jimmy Page wanted Reid to fill the vocalist spot for his proposed new group, the New Yardbirds, which was to become Led Zeppelin. Reid had already committed to go on the road for two tours with The Rolling Stones and another with Cream (as an opening act on the 1968 US Tour). Reid suggested to Page that if he compensated him for the gig fees he’d miss out on and call Keith Richards to explain why he would to pull out of the US tours for Reid to try something out with Page. It never happened and Reid told Jimmy to consider a young Birmingham based singer, Robert Plant, instead, having previously seen Plant’s Band of Joy as a support act at one of his concerts, Reid also suggested Page to check out their drummer John Bonham.”…. and the rest as they say is history

Check out his album River.

And to end the episode…


I love these guys. They’re so diverse and unique that it’s just not your mainstream stuff, I guess to make your own kind of unique sound, based on your influences. That’s the way to go in music according to me. I hope I can do something like that in the future, whenever that is 😛

So here is the set. Also I was surprised to find out that the their bass player is Indian – Ashish “Hash” Vyas. And he is properly feeling it in this set. Check it !

Also as a bonus for all you Pop fans. Here is London Grammar’s song  -Rooting For You. Hannah Reid’s voice is from another planet and I’m sure this must be very difficult to sing. *Women who can sing!!* 🙂

If I ever date a woman who can sing in life.. and I hope I do.. I’m producing her album. It’ll be unreal 😉

This should keep you going for a bit.

Take care.

Until next time.



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