Download Saw sequel Jigsaw hits all the torture porn touchstones in its first trailer: Watch Megaupload

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The greatest trick the Saw franchise ever pulled was finding ways to fit Tobin Bell’s malevolent Jigsaw in each of its seven entries despite the character dying in the third one. Now, a new Saw sequel is on the way, this one wearing its incorporation of the killer on its sleeve. Called Jigsaw, it arrives in theaters on October 27th. Watch its first trailer above.

The Spierig Brothers, who previously helmed handsome genre entries Daybreakers and Predestination, look to have given the flick some added zip to accompany its fresh coat of sickly orange-brown hues. And the kills seem to be as creative as ever, with the trailer revealing a silo filled with falling farm tools and plenty of spinning circular saw blades. As was the case with the franchise’s last four entries, Jigsaw commands things via mini-cassettes. The twist here, however, is that, despite being dead for “10 years,” his blood has been found at fresh crime scenes. I swear to Christ, if they try to say he’s not dead I’ll lose my goddamned mind.

Grisly torture porn in the vein of Saw hasn’t been in vogue since G.W. was in office; now that our political leadership is again in shambles it might be time for more of the catharsis that comes from nasty flicks like these. Regardless, if you liked the others, you’ll probably like this one.

Joining Tobin Bell is Mandela Van Peebles, Laura Vandervoort, Callum Keith Rennie, and Matt Passmore, among others. They’ll all probably die.

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