Download Phonebox Vandals – Damned Die Hard Megaupload

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Phonebox Vandals – Damned Die Hard 
Blind Dog Records – BDR LP 001
Hardcore / Hard Rock

(7 tracks, 20,9 min, 12” ~ (SL1210 MK2 + Shure M44-7 + Pro-Ject Phono Box USB / Audacity) ~ MP3@320kbps)

Tokrat skačemo spet na začetek konca rajnke Yuge.
LP celjske Hard Rock, Hardcore, Groovi nevem kaj.. je precej zanimiva muzealija slo rocka. 
Ker so pred kratim preko ‘Slušaj Najglasnije‘ iz Zagreba izdali Live posnetke koncerta v Eindhovnu, se je o bandu po netu kar veliko razpisalo. Omenjeni koncert je vreden poslušanja, saj ga odžgejo zelo suvereno. Najhitreje ga slišite na RŠ podstrani rš-koncert.

Biografijo kradem in lepim spodaj: 

Konec preteklega leta je izšel prvi dolgometražni album celjskih alter rockerjev Phonebox Vandals. Odličen posnetek odličnega koncerta izpred četrt stoletja iz nizozemskega Eindhovna, takrat enega najbolj obetajočih slovenskih in tudi jugoslovanskih bendov.
Minilo je četrt stoletja od nastanka posnetkov koncerta Phonebox Vandals v okviru festivala Pre – Stab v nizozemskem Eindhovnu. Konec preteklega leta jih je na plano postavila zagrebška neodvisna založba Slušaj najglasnije!. Koncertni album Live in Eindhoven je verodostojen dokument, ki odpira vpogled v alternativno rokovsko sceno konec osemdesetih na nekdanjem skupnem jugoslovanskem prostoru, predvsem pa nam predstavi šestčlansko zasedbo iz Celja.  
Phonebox Vandals so v tistem času veljali za veliki up nekdanjega skupnega alter glasbenega prostora. Med razpoznavne sta Celjane poleg rednega nastopanja na jugoslovanskih, italijanskih in avstrijskih odrih hitro lansirala festivala YURM ’89 in Novi Rock ’89.
Zasedba je nastala leta 1987 in je prve studijske posnetke naredila v studiu Boruta Činča, nekdanjega Buldožerja, producenta in glasbenega mecena mnogih rokovskih bendov nekje od osemdesetih let dalje. Po štirih songih, posnetih pri Činču, je zasedba nadaljevala s studijsko dejavnostjo pri prvi jugoslovanski neodvisni založbi iz Zagreba Blind Dog Records. Posnetki, narejeni pri Činču, so dobili mesto na dveh kompilacijah, na kaseti zagrebške neodvisne založbe Beyoop in na dolgometražni vinilki The Return of Yugoslavia prav tako zagrebške založbe Street Tuff Records. Novi posnetki niso zadovoljili, zato so zgolj sedem skladb od dvanajstih odtisnili v vinil in zapakirali v mini album z naslovom Damned Die Hard pri že omenjeni založbi Blind Dog Records. Ta vinilka je edina uradna izdaja celjskih Phonebox Vandals do decembra lani, ko je, kot smo že rekli, izšel cede Live in Eindhoven. Po pričevanjih so bili posnetki iz Eindhovna takoj prepoznani kot prava zvočna slika zasedbe, zato se je založba Blind Dog Records odločila izdati koncertni singel z dvema posnetkoma. S tem so poskušali popraviti zvočni vtis mini albuma Damned Die Hard, vendar singel nikdar ni ugledal luči sveta zaradi začetka vojne leta 1991. Posnetki dvanajstih skladb s koncerta v Eindhovnu so se izgubili v vojni vihri, bend in skupna država pa sta razpadla. 
No, po vseh možnih tragedijah in tranziciji devetdesetih let ter po novodobni pozabi se je kaseta s posnetki vendarle našla. Posnetke je ponovno zmešal in zmasteriziral producent Grega Peer, zopet jih je založila zagrebška neodvisna založba, tokrat založba Zdenka Franjića, Slušaj najglasnije!. V ušesa poslušalstva Radia Študent pa jih polagamo v oddaji RŠ Koncert. Zdaj, tu in za vekomaj!š-koncert/phonebox-vandals-live-in-eindhoven 


Phone Box Vandals – the rebirth of a cult band
This is a most unusual story of a young underground band from Slovenia, which started to perform in their unique compelling style in a time which proved to be the last days of Yugoslavia. The former country was very well known for the quality of rock and underground bands as there was obviously a lot to rebel against. It was 1989, and the new-comers Phone Box Vandals started to captivate alternative venues around Yugoslavia, performing at two of the most prestigious events – Novi Rock in Ljubljana and Yu Rock Moment (YURM) which was the largest new talent roadshow (bands had to perform in different venues in other republics of Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia .. etc) where they were making a name for themselves.
In 1990, they published a very disappointing LP record (Damned Die Hard) with Zagreb Publisher Blind Dog Records (they were so disappointed with the producing; they reduced the number of tracks from 12 to 7). In the second half of 1990, they performed internationally, in Austria, Italy and more significantly at the end of 1990, they were a part of cultural exchange with Netherlands, which took place in Eindhoven (Pre Stab Festival), along with many other Slovene alternative bands. They had a very memorable concert, which was to be their peak performance. The concert was recorded and they wanted to publish a single, in order to show, that the previous LP was a fluke. But it was not to be. Soon the war broke out, first in Slovenia and later in other parts of Yugoslavia. Phone Box Vandals had lost their market, changed their members, changed their style and changed their name. The members of the original band, were still doing music through other outlets; few of them are still active to this day.
Last year, in 2015, the recordings of that Pre Stab Festival were found. Those who heard them, were amazed how good they were. Peter Schmidt, one of the original members (along with Mitja Koštomaj-guitar, Bojan Stopar-drums, Iztok (Itz) Mravlje-bass, Vojko (Floyd) Hlupić-bass and Matjaz Mlakar-vocal), took it upon himself to master and digitalize them, and to try and publish it after 25 years. It was to be a sentimental gesture. But when people listened to the CD, they realized, that this is still a very much in time music, alternative and powerful even in present time. The time did not have any effect on the uniqueness of style and energy of the band. The themes are still very strong, the lyrics still very much relevant and actual. A few critics, that listened to the CD, were full of praise (a Croatian critic even gave them the perfect 10, which even the late Bowie did not get) and the recordings, that were lost along with the band in the turbulence of history, has been defrosted 25 years later in perfect conditions. 



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