Band Name: Paranoia Panorama
Music Album: I Begynnelsen Var Staten...
Album Release Date: December 1992
Music Genre: Punk Rock
Record Label: Snack Ohm Tapes
Album Release Country: Norway
Music Record Type: 7 Tracks Vinyl 7" EP
7 Tracks
A1 | Sol |
A2 | Nada |
A3 | Null Grader Celsius |
B1 | Plastikk Panikk |
B2 | Fanatikernes Nest Siste... |
B3 | H.K.L. |
B4 | Illusjon |
Full title is "I Begynnelsen Var Staten, Har Alltid Vært, Og Vil Fortsatt Være I Det Uendelige".
This release comes with norwegian & english lyrics sheet and a short story inserted.
File download is hosted on Megaupload