Download MITTAGSPAUSE – s/t CD 2004 Megaupload

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Before Fehlfarben was Mittagspause. The glory of Mittagspause is bigger than their song repertoire. Three singles appeared during the life of the band, as well as contributions to two samplers. Musically, the band had swum early from the traditional punk and the stylistic device of the irony discovered for itself. Their fame is based mainly on the sovereign and non-pathetic handling of their singer Peter Hein with the german language. Mittagspause came in 1978 from the early Düsseldorf punk band Charley’s Girls and persisted from Peter Hein, Franz Bielmeier on bass & guitar, as well as founder of the Rondo label, the drummer and later painter Marcus Oehlen, as well as former S.Y.P.H. guitarist Thomas Schwebel. The first cast also included the later DAF singer Gabi Delgado-Lopez. Already in 1980 the band disintegrated, their last studio recordings remained unpublished for more than ten years. Hein + Schwebel devoted himselfs to the Fehlfarben, Oehlen of art and art music (Vielleichtors/Red Krayola) and Bielmeier next to his label Rondo the drugs. Fortunately, they have tried a reunion so far, but a retrospective with unpublished Material in preparation, and also Mr. Bielmeier lets under the pseudonym “Sister Ray” again hear music…

Captain Trip Records from Tokyo has finally packed all studio recordings of the band on a CD in 2004. All shots are from 1979. The five previously unreleased live recordings, including a cover version of Trios “Da Da Da” date from 1983 & the CD was mastered in the Atatak Studios by Pyrolator.

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