Download Meghan Trainor & James Corden Film ‘Sexy Slow-Mo’ Video Megaupload

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By Hayden Wright

Last night, Meghan Trainor dropped by James Corden’s Late Late Show set to discuss her current projects — including two new videos.

Related: The Day After Meghan Trainor’s Engagement Was Not So Great

Meghan mentioned that the new visuals include “sexy slow motion” — so Corden decided to replicate the effect on live TV.

To achieve slow motion with intact vocals, artists record their lip-syncing at double or triple speed…which is then slowed down to match the regular pace of the song. As a result, the vocals appear “normal” but the movement is slow-mo. Corden staged such a production of Meghan’s song “Me Too” with balloons and confetti, replaying the results immediately. The process was hilarious and, while Trainor’s lip movements didn’t perfectly match all of the lyrics, she sure nailed most of them.

Meghan shared the episode with Shape of Water director Guillermo Del Toro and they bonded over pet rodents.

Watch Meghan’s slow-motion performance here:

And listen to her harrowing story about a pet rat:

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