Download Mas Ysa releases new song “Face” — listen Megaupload

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Thomas Arsenault, the CoSigned artist better known as Mas Ysa, has made a political statement with his brand new track, “Face”. The Canadian composer, producer, and songwriter has shared the song as part of Our First 100 Days. Coming on Day 68 of the campaign, this new recording addresses honesty — a highly debatable topic these days. Mas Ysa’s raw vocals evoke a sense of desperation at times, but it also features an uplifting flute loop and a hopeful overall message. Take a listen below.

Started by the Secretly Group and 30 Songs, 30 Days, Our First 100 Days is sharing a rare and/or exclusive song through Bandcamp for each of the first 100 days of Trump’s presidency. Proceeds benefit a variety of organizations that stand up for women’s rights, the LGBTQ community, immigrants, environmentalism, and other causes facing threats from the new administration. For a $30 donation, you can access and download every track here.

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