Download Justice’s NSFW video for “Pleasure” is softcore art porn: Watch Megaupload

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First of all, if you’re at work or in a public place right now, seriously just click away. When we say Justice’s video for the Woman single “Pleasure” is NSFW, we mean it’s very NSFW.

The clip comes from director/visual artist Alexandre Courtès, perhaps best known for designing Daft Punk’s helmets and the videos for The White Stripes’ “Seven Nation Army” and U2’s “Vertigo”. For Justice’s “Pleasure”, Courtès sought to capture the beauty and emotion of love making, blending it with the visual ideas of lighting designer Nicolas Loir. The result is something like cosmic arthouse softcore porn, where there are definitely more explicit acts than you’d see in a typical music video, but shot and lit in unique ways that aren’t so much sexual as they are sensual.

You can watch the video above, and read what Courtès had to say about it in a press release below.

“[Justice’s] Xavier [de Rosnay] and Gaspard [Augé] had a concept in mind of a supernatural love scene: an extrapolation of feelings during sex, a symbiosis. I fell in love with the idea, as I had something similar in mind for a while. So to combine their ideas with mine was great. For a long time, I’ve wanted to play with strong vivid colors and bright tubes that travel through the bodies of characters… and they liked the idea too. We ended up shooting a bold, sensual sex scene, with lavish colors.

Nicolas Loir’s lighting really made the scene look amazing and helped the film come together brilliantly. I knew we had to be in the action: to be as close as we could to their faces and skin. Thanks to Nicolas’ work, the shoot was less raw, making the end result truly exciting.

My goal in the project was to achieve a sensual film that deals with emotions, a film that goes beyond the crude aspect of the situation. I hope we got close to it.”

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