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Coldfront are a Canadian pop punk four piece currently signed to Equal Vision records. They have just completed five shows across Ontario with Bearings. I caught up with them just before they left, to catch about all things tour-related.

Current line up:

Tom Stewart, 24: Vocals

Chris Casarin, 25: Guitar/Vocals-25

Micheal Kelly, 25: Drums

Jared Cipak, 24: Guitar

Have you toured together before?

Me and Mike were in a band before this called Fire Away and we got to go across Canada with a band called Greater than Giants that was mine and Miles’ first real tour out of town/province.

What the craziest thing to ever happen at a gig?

One of the shittiest things to happen to us at a gig was when our van broke down outside the venue in Lincoln Nebraska with the trailer on it and we had to get one of the other bands we were touring with to come get the trailer while we got the van towed to our hotel to deal with in the morning. In Butte Montana we met some locals there on our way through we stopped to get some food and ended up staying the night and getting wasted with some locals and met the soldier who shot Bin Laden. It was wild.

What’s the hardest part of being on the road?

It’s such a cliché answer but honestly it’s not being home and having your routine and your bed to sleep in. Some nights we don’t know where we are sleeping. And just keeping sane in the van with out killing each other.

How do you prepare for going to stage?

Me personally, I generally have a wobbly pop or two before getting on stage, but I also do a vocal warm up in the van by just singing a couple old jams and humming. The other guys have their own little rituals. Jared plays his guitar in the corner with headphones on and Mike just hits his practice pad for a while to warm up and Tom and I do vocal warm ups together.

What are the things you can’t go on tour without?

My laptop. I need to be able to watch something on those long drives and it’s just handy to have. And our Cornhole set up, the boys in seaway showed us the way of ornhole and now we take it on every tour.

How do you find looking after/moving your equipment around the country?

As long as you have a routine and you stick to it, like how you pack the trailer what you do with your gear once your in the venue and have the proper protective cases for your gear it becomes real easy, moving said cases up and down stairs is not fun though.

Where’s the best place you’ve played so far?

Florida was very rad and had a cool pop punk scene and also Vancouver was just gorgeous so that was just nice.

How do you get the crowd hyped?

I like to usually ask them a favour, make it awkward and then just call them out when they aren’t doing it. Or just run out into the crowd sometimes!

What do you guys like to do when your not playing/practicing?

On tour if we have a off day we usually like to play Cornhole or go to the beach and cliff dive where we can. But when we’re home we’re all working full time.

What are you plans for the future?

We plan to release our first full length record very soon and tour very heavily in the next year, we want to make this band our full time job.

Anything else you’d like to talk about?

Just like to thank anyone who has stuck around with us, and to stick tight because we will be dropping our full length very soon.

Check out Coldfront’s music and Facebook here.

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