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Here’s an bit of an interview with (and a couple of songs by) Mexico’s Afterboltxebike. First came across this band when I saw their video for their song “Pavlichenko” about famed Russian sniper/nazi hunter Lyudmila Pavlichenko. Got to chatting with guitarist Diego on Facebook and the rest is history! Answers are by Gabriela and Diego…

For those of us who are not familiar with Afterboltxebike, please introduce the band!

Afterboltxebike began in 2015, after some talk about the idea of creating music with afterintlogo-001communist or “protesta” lyrics. None of us knew how to play any instruments (and we still don’t know how to play, haha) but we shared, and do share, a love for music and political ideology. Andrea (bass) and Diego (guitars) like punk and HC punk music and they invited me to play drums, although I didn’t listen very much to  that genre, because I was more focused on metal, but that doesn’t matter, we were looking for fun and we found it!

What does the name of your band mean? Where did you get the name for the band?

We choose the name Afterboltxebike because it is the first song from the album Kolpez Kolpe by the basque punk band Kortatu, one of the more important communist punk bands in the scene.

At first I didn’t know the real meaning of Afterboltxebike, we assumed the name of the song had some connection to the bolsheviks, so it was to show  people the communist ideology of our band.

In early October 2016, we met Fermin Muguruza, former member of Kortatu, and we asked about the meaning of  the word afterboltxebike.

afterintoneFermin told us the history, in the 80’s in the Basque Country (and the rest of the Spanish State) some punx say they are after-punks (so concerned to the post punk bands), so the Kortatu guys think , “we are not bolsheviks because that are part of the soviet past, so, now, we are after-bolsheviks, like a new generation of bolsheviks”.

So, Afterbolxebike is a new word, from the English word “After” and the Russian word “Bolsheviks,” but written like a basque word Boltxebike.

Afterboltxebike has recorded/released 2 songs … “¿De qué lado estas?” and “Pavlichenko.” Both these songs seem to be political songs. What are these songs about? What themes does afterinttwoAfterboltxebike sing about?

We try to paint in our lyrics the social injustice and talk about people who made history fighting against fascism, is a way to make honor: talk about anybody talk, about brave people who were looking for a better life, because we want the same thing. So, we know that we won’t change all the world with these lyrics, but we hope that in any place of the planet there will be anybody curious who probably start to question his/her reality. We are antifascist and we want to talk about it!


Afina su mira, recarga su arma
Su objetivo es la peste parda
Respira hondo y dispara
Otro nazi ha muerto por sus balas
Defendió Odessa y disparo en Crimea
Lyudmila Pavlichenko era toda una guerrera
Esperando en la nieve inicio el infierno
De los fascistas que invadieron

Trecientos nazis murieron
Pavlichenko los cazó
Oficiales y sargentos
A ninguno perdonó


No tengo duda, estoy convencida
Que los patrones son mis enemigos
No aspiro a ser como uno de ellos
 Mi fuerza esta con los obreros
Las cadenas que te tienen atado
Estan en tu cabeza, estan en tus manos
Nuestra trinchera te esta esperando
Estas con los patrones o con los explotados
Nuestro camino esta muy claro
Revolucion del proletariado
Nuestro sendero esta iluminado
Por los comunistas que han luchado
De que lado estas?
Del patron o del proletariado
De que lado estas?

I think someone in the band is making a documentary about the Mexican political punk scene? Could you talk a little bit about that?

.Diego (guitar) is  doing two documentaries, one is a  history of hardcore punk in Monterrey (the city where we live), and other is a little video about the political punk scene of Guadalajara City. The two documentaries are D. I. Y. and primarily funded by Diego with contributions from friends interested in the two projects.

What are some of the political issues affecting the members of Afterboltxebike? What particular issues are you working around?

We have the same problems that all persons who are mad about the shit that capitalism bring afterintthreeus have (wars, genocides, poverty); communist or not, people want a change, and  claims for it (ecologist, anarchists, etc): the apathy of the society to the world’s problems. The individualism and the beliefs that the system has put it on in all of us. It’s complicated stay against injustice because we live in that everyday, in the school, job (if there’s money, there’s food) family (who says “You must  grow up and find a good job and make money! Buy a car and get married!!) and even friends, but we’re still in and don’t get down for that, we know that is a “normal attitude” in a society that still doesn’t believe in the theory of evolution, hah.

Respect for the band, we need a lot of practicing to get a better sound and we are working on it.

What is in the future for Afterboltxebike? (of course, here you can talk about your upcoming world tour and double-live-in-Japan album!)

Our future… We probably won’t have a Japan tour hahah but we’re making new songs and playing live in wherever invite us. Actually we want to release some some of our own songs and we’re gonna release two covers from Abuso, a local punk band from 80’s, this is for a project that we have with the Abuso’s guitarist, Felipe, a friend of the band, who  is kindly helping us,( he also plays in Cabrito Vudú, a great national band! ).

In addition, we want to thanks all of our friends and people who are supporting us, especially you Randy for support the music and the scene!


... and, here’s the videos the band made for their two songs …



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