Download “I LOVE BLACK PEOPLE!!”: Kid Rock blasts his critics in new campaign statement Megaupload

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Over the weekend, Michigan senate hopeful Kid Rock gave his first campaign speech during a concert in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Not surprisingly, it was an incoherent mess of victim shaming, sexism, and inane proclamations that would make for immediate disqualification for office if not for the fact that Donald Trump is president.

Now, through his website, Kid Rock has issued a new statement in which he blasts his critics, both in the media and in his community. He derides the “extreme left” who “are trying to use the old confederate flag BS, etc. to stir the pot,” and also expressed disappointment in local businesses and charities “I have so diligently supported in Detroit” that failed to stand up for him in light of these “unfounded attacks from these handful of jackasses and The Detroit Free Press.

Rock also goes after Sam Riddle, a political director of the Michigan National Network (NAN), who has called on the Detroit Red Wings to cancel Kid Rock’s upcoming concert at Little Caesars Arena next month. “Sam Riddle is a piece of shit criminal and prime example of a lot that is and has been wrong with Detroit. Sam, you suck and you know it!” Rock wrote in response.

In a series of post scripts, Rock doubles down on athletes who take a knee or sit during the National Anthem (“So cut the bullshit!”) and concludes his statement by declaring, “I LOVE BLACK PEOPLE!!”

Read Rock’s full statement here. It’s worth noting that the musician has yet to file the proper paperwork declaring his candidacy for Michigan senate and thus, he may be in violation of federal campaign finance law. But what does that matter in 2017?

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