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I pulled up outside my parent’s house yesterday to Rod Stewart blaring out of the front window. This was unusual on two counts; my parents never played loud music with the windows wide open for fear of annoying the neighbours & the room where the music was coming from is the room where they’ve put up their seven grandchildren on and off over the years in bunk beds that belonged to my sister. The room was dedicated to them with toys and books which were either our own when we were younger (ancient Lego etc) or handed down by the older cousins for the younger ones to play with. It isn’t a room where you hear a lot of Rod Stewart.

Anyway, turns out they’ve decided to reclaim the room now that overnight stays by grandchildren have become rarer. They’ve created a chill out snug. They’ve pulled their remaining vinyl from the loft along with some very old tapes which either belonged to me and my siblings or which they bought from Britannia Music Club (anyone remember that?). AND and….who knew??….but you can still buy a system with radio, tape deck and turnable. My dad was very proud of himself for having found it. Goodness knows what the sound quality is like, Rod sounded alright from the front drive tho.

It was great to see some of my old tapes again. I thought they were lost tbh. The aforementioned Thompson Twins was there, along with King, Madonna, more Duran Duran and U2.

Ah nostalgia.

(I’ve written this in my phone on the way into work in London, so apologies for errors etc)

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