Band Name: Dunkle Tage
Music Album: Dunkle Tage
Album Release Date: December 1992
Music Genre: Punk Rock
Record Label: HeartFirst Records
Album Release Country: Germany
Music Record Type: 5 Tracks Vinyl 7" Reissue
Political Hardcore Punk band from Göttingen, Germany active in 1984-1987
5 Tracks
A1 | Dunkle Tage |
A2 | Sie Haben Ihre Opfer Gefunden |
A3 | Mörder |
B1 | Deutschland |
B2 | Custer Died For Your Sins |
This is the official re-release of the self-released original from 1986.
Comes in fold-out cover wich unfolds to a poster.
File download is hosted on Megaupload