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Denial of the now. Britain is no longer a global super-power, it’s once mighty fleet is reduced to an aircraft carrier with no planes, coal mines and steel plants replaced by theme parks, out of town shopping malls and other service industries. The days of empire are gone. What better way to celebrate a post Brexit Britain, lets have a ‘Festival’ to show the world what we are good at….putting on a show, they never get enough of reminding us about the 2012 Olympics.

Politicians punch above their weight hard talk and threats in Brexit negotiations if the EU don’t give in to their demands, posturing to Putin during the Novichok spy poisoning situation. It’s not the sound of them quaking in their boots that I hear, it’s the sound of laughing.

The number of Police officers is at it’s lowest since 1980, it’s no wonder kids get away with murder. No need to worry about the ‘obesity crisis’ as people start to starve when Britains food supply’s run out, if reports of government stock piling food and medical supplies are to be believed. Highest levels of poverty since the days of Margaret Thatcher.

Talk of the Leave campaign being funded by Russia are dismissed as a crazy conspiracy by Remainers, but think about it !?!?!?!? Divide and Rule….Who would benefit from a divided Europe? The real superpowers; Russia, America and the new kids on the bloc, China,
Decaying and Diseased This so called democracy is rotten to the core. Mind control for the proles they’ve sold themselves to slavery, smart phones and smart meters for the thick, free speech for the dumb. Erase and eradicate in a totalitarian state. Left and Right become one.

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