Download CORIDOR: ‘Song For Simeonidis EP’ Megaupload

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CORIDOR logoSince quietly announcing a partial restart of LOUD HORIZON at the weekend, I’ve been keen to hear what I’ve been missing these past few years. I was excited at the prospect of listening to some new, inventive, upbeat and boisterous music.

I eagerly opened my first e-mail this morning. Oh dear!

Maybe I should have stuck to my guideline that digital submissions wouldn’t necessarily garner a review, as I hate my first ‘new’ post being a tad negative.

But seeing how LOUD HORIZON prides itself on the honesty of its reviews, I’m just going to go for it ……. this is not for me. If there is one style of music that I detest even more than folk (actually, as I get older, some of that genre has become strangely appealing) it’s the whiny, morose, downbeat ‘woe is me’ type.

Radiohead. There you go. Them. I just don’t see the point.

Now, I know that particular band has masses and masses of dedicated fans, and that other bands of that ilk do very well for themselves. So, look guys, it’s not you, it’s me.

I wish CORIDOR all the best, and I’m sure there are readers of this blog post who will indeed love the sounds. But it’s just not for me.


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