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The blog is just about ready to publish amongst various web sites/social media. It is by no means finished, perhaps only half way through. I still have a lot of links, photos and mp3 to add, but at the moment I think it will be ok to publicize and get some other people involved with it. That is my intention for this blog. The material I have done so far is only my side of the story, the information is from what I have been involved with myself…my bands, but the blog is about all bands from Carlisle and even from Cumbria and Southern Scotland. But this is too much for me to research, and this is where other people can contribute by writing a paragraph or two and I can include it in a “page” for that band or group.

There were numerous bands around Carlisle during 1977 and 1989, and beyond that to the present day, but I have no knowledge of the details as I was either involved with my own band, not a great socializer to mix with these people or I was away abroad. So lets hope people will contribute.

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