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Can a person really be transgender AND a Republican? Sure, the GOP doesn’t seem like a friend to the LGBTQ community, what with their bathroom bills, fight against gay marriage and now laws trying to stop LGBTQ people from adopting children. But, what about people who feel gender dysphora and also love the Second Amendment, a flat tax, and states’ rights? Are they traitors to the cause or a real part of the LGBTQ community? In this episode Kath and Faith discuss the intersection of politics and identity. 

Also check out Beyond Gender podcast who provide great LGBTQ news updates.

What Pat Robertson has to say about trans folk

Stephen Colbert’s take on Trump and bathroom bills

Kristin Beck’s book Warrior Princess and an article about how she applied to work for the Trump Administration.  


Check out our website for our latest episodes! 


Follow us on twitter for all our shower thoughts and other musings @TheGenderRebels 


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Music by one of our favorite bands, the super cool, all-female punk band Jasper the Colossal. Download their new album “Take Your Time” and all their tracks on iTunes. 

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