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Sore losers….Nobody knew what game they were playing, and now they do, the rules keep changing. Who in their right minds would enter into a deal if they didn’t know what they would get at the end. Now the people do know, there are adverts on the sides of bus stops now explaining what may happen if there is a No Deal Brexit, back in 2016 during the referendum there were lies on the side of a bus. So now it only seems fair and just that the people have another chance to decide whether Britain should leave the EU based on a more informed choice. Now that would be democracy! If the people are not given this chance they will have been sold a dead parrot!

We are being led like Lemmings over the White Cliffs of Dover, a nation’s suicide. Albion is down and out. A disunited kingdom….green and unpleasant lands. Blood on the streets and hate on the internet.

Who was it that said no deal was better than a bad deal? Oh yeah, the same bloody person that can’t get her own party to vote for her deal never mind the rest of ’em, Why? because they all know it’s a bad deal. How Terressa May has still got a job is beyond me, our parliament should have been disbanded from the start, and worked together for the common good of the country, not their party’s or own egos.. I mean, they couldn’t have done a worse job. I do wonder some times that if Jo Cox (the murdered Labour MP, who believed we were stronger together, despite our differences) hadn’t, been killed by a far right crazy had still been around things might have been slightly different. Mind you, that’s like saying that if Nigel Farage had been killed in his helicopter crash a few years back we might never have had the referendum in the first place. Just saying….

This is what happens when from the very off two years ago when that pig fucking cunt Cameron under estimated the mood and will of the people and the power of populist politics when they voted to leave the EU. This didn’t have to be. Brainwashed by the media with the years of anti EU propaganda….our sausages aren’t the right length and our crisps are too crispy, then there was the constant attacks on imigrants; they’re taking our jobs and houses, all fed Nigel Farages UKIP racist and reactive politics

There’s more info about what leaving EU may mean than there was at the time of the referendum,

How was it ever gonna end well if the person in charge didn’t believe in what she was trying to deliver. The worst Prime Minister ever; Weak and stubborn. Can’t even take responsibility for her actions, or rather lack of action. Two fuckin’ years she’s had to sort something out, and her deal has made no one happy, leave or remain.

The Will of the People

Blaming the MP’s for this Brexit fuck up, well at least they are standing up for what they believe in.

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