Download Bloggin Rotten’s Spotlight on Independence (Part 3) Rad Girlfriend Records (Dayton, Ohio, USA) Megaupload

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What/who inspired you into setting up a record label ?

I was playing in a band called Rad Company. We had a hard time breaking into the DIY scene. We weren’t one of the cool bands and no one really wanted to touch our records with a ten footpole, so we decided to start releasing them on our own.. The first two or three seven inches were just independently released not even on Rad Girlfriend. I figured since we were already putting out our own 7”s, we might as well start a label.

What’s been your highlights as a label to date?

We’ve been fortunate to put out some amazing records but for me the biggest highlights are meeting the bands and becoming friends with them. Being able to play in bands you love, hang out with people you admire and work with people you love and respect is the best feeling in the world. Yeah, I think we’ve put out some killer records but the highlights are the personal relationships I’ve built throughout the years because of the label.

How have you managed to keep a record label running in an age of easy access digital streaming ?

It’s certainly not easy. We are still navigating it and figuring it out. The one good thing about running a label is that people who buy vinyl always will. The digital side of it can be positive too though. It all depends on the situation. Honestly, every cent we make goes back into the label. We’ve put countless thousands of dollars of our own money into running this thing. That’s how I suppose.

Any funny stories you can tell the readers about your label, or the bands you have put out ?

Many funny stories, that might be a question for another day. That gets into territory that I’m not prepared to get into right now, haha.

What inspired the name you have given your label?

Josher from Rad Company actually came up with the name. I had been dating my now wife and we were trying to come up with a name for the label and he said “why not stick with the ‘rad’thing. Then he suggested “Rad Girlfriend”.

Any rad releases you have planned you can tell us about?

The one we are the most excited about is our upcoming 100th release. Its going to be a 2x LP comp of exclusive tracks from many bands and friends we’ve worked with over the years. It’s going to be epic!

If you could put out a record from any band still going/or split up, who would it be?

That’s a tough one… I don’t know. I suppose the easy answer would be something that had to do with Joe Strummer.

Go check our the rad dudes at Rad Girlfriend Records on social media and below

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