Download Bloggin Rotten’s Spotlight on Independence (Part 13) Gunner Records (Bremen, Germany) Megaupload

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●  What/who inspired you into setting up a record label ?

I kinda always wanted to put out a record. but it was supposed to be just one and then stop.. when i met Mischief Brew after an Against Me! show when i was visiting the USA it seemed to be that found that band and record. So i did put that out,  but then after that i stumbled online over some Demos The Gaslight Anthem recorded and loved it so much that i wanted to go on with it. i asked them if they are interested to come over to tour and if i can put out music they recorded… then it got kinda out of control..haha

labels that i was looking up to at that point was The Company With The Golden Arm from Germany and Dischord from the USA. For both labels i liked the spirit that it was DIY and fair for bands and label etc… and of course they put out great music..

●  What’s been your highlights as a label to date ?

I love all my releases and it’s tough to pick one out.. the most attention i got of course for The Gaslight Anthem and Frank Turner. but everything i put out they’re all great records and hit a certain spot in me, when i first listened to them.. sometimes at the second listen 😉

So the real highlight for me is the friendship with people from all over the world playing in bands i put out, or buying their records from me or people i meet at shows..

●  How have you managed to keep a record label running in an age of easy access digital streaming ?

I personally love vinyl and have a collection going that is growing and growing.. i think there are more people like me out there that still enjoy looking at a cover, reading the lyric sheet and putting the needle on the record and listen to it.. then get up and and do it all again and listen to the flip side.. if you’re into getting rich it’s definitely a bad idea to start a label.. my goal is to break even and as long as i have a chance to get that i keep on going..

●  Any funny stories you can tell the readers about your label, or the bands you have put out ?

This is a tough one.. of course there are some stories to tell.. but nothing that’s really printable since i don’t want to put anybody in a bad spot.. i’m sorry have to pass on this one ..haha

●  What inspired the name you have given your label ?

Before i started the label i drove around with bands, driving vans, selling their merch and setting up shows.. Gunnar my real name was kinda hard to pronounce for bands from english speaking countries. so they all ended up calling me Gunner. When i started the label i needed a name quick and thought about that and an old picture my roommate had put on our fridge.. we played around with it and had a name and a logo.. as i mentioned before it was meant to be a 1 release only label..

●  Any rad releases you have planned you can tell us about ?

As for now i have the following in the works:

Auxes 7inch

Mobina Galore 7inch and LP

John Allen LP and 7inches

Bug Attack 7inch

Deafhex LP

Tensions LP

and many more 😉

Check out the label here: Gunner Records

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