Download At the Drive In unleash fiery video for new song “Hostage Stamps” — watch Megaupload

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On May 5th, At the Drive In are set to return with their first album in 17 years, in • ter a • li • a. Co-produced by the group’s own Omar Rodriguez-Lopez, the effort is being previewed today with “Hostage Stamps”, a track whose intense, electric guitars lash like hot wires.

According to ATDI’s Cedric Bixler-Zavala, the song’s impassioned state is no mistake. In a press release, he describes it as “like walking through the hallway in some war-torn ghetto and reading the writing on the wall,” adding:

“When you hear things like, ‘Raise your nithing pole,’ I don’t think anyone will know what that is right away, but when you look it up, it’s this curse. We are going to be victorious. Here’s the fucking head on the stake in front of our army. We’re coming back. It’s reading the writing on the wall. It’s going and keeping your ear to the ground and listening to the heartbeat of young people.”

A music video for “Hostage Stamps” has also been unveiled. Directed by Rob Shaw and Damon Locks, it’s a stop-motion piece involving militaristic figures and a rebellious prisoner who devises an explosive escape plan. Check it out below.

For more of in • ter a • li • a, hear “Governed By Contagions” and “Incurably Innocent”. Following a short string of tour dates last month, including an incredible stop in New York City, the hard rock titans will return to the road in May.

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