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Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse in the world of Politricks….Then Tony Fuckin’ Blair opens his mouth! Tells all those who voted to remain in the EU to rise up and try and change the minds of the Brexitiers. He hasn’t brought about peace in the Middle East, and now he could start a civil war if people still actually belief a word he says. Iraq, now there’s a word. People rose up against Blair’s illegal war and took to the streets, he didn’t listen to the people then, the truth has been outed, and the arrogant lying cunt thinks people are gonna listen to what he’s gotta say, the sad truth is that some people will. He’s only unhappy because he’s not gonna get the chance to be EU leader, and Brexit is gonna be bad for his business interests.

Thatcher and Blair are why we are where we are at today; Thatcher along with Reagan and their free market globalisation project, and Blair’s continuation with it, plus with added war on terror; terrorists fly planes into buildings, and war is declared, and the rest is history; Al Qaeda/Islamic State/Syria total war equals population displacement; refugees become propaganda pawns.

Having a De-skilled, De-humanised, De-unionised and dumbed down unemployed workforce helped the growth of immigration and economic migrants, if the Brits couldn’t or wouldn’t do the job, then the Polish, Rumanian workers would, and at a cheaper wage, which meant bigger profits for the champaign socialist and Tory bosses.

Big business and multi-nationals run the world, not the politicians, unless you are Donald Trump, then you can do both and hid behind claims of “Fake News”

Trump has nothing to do with Russia, yeah right. Oil deals with Trumps people are on hold till sanctions are lifted, Trump person resigns over talking to Russia about lifting sanctions if Trump was elected President. What’s that smell….

This shits nothing new back in 1917 American financial giants and super capitalists The Rockefellers and others funded the Russian Revolution and continued investing in the country in order to secure oil reserves for the European market In 1926 Standard Oil of New York built a refinery in Russia. Without the chaos and destruction of revolution this would not have been possible.

Sounds familiar…. Iraq, Syria…oil reserves…. Russian and American involvement in overthrowing and supporting regimes in order to secure supplies of the black gold, who would believe it?

North Korean leaders half brother is assassinated by a couple of women who thought they were taking part in a TV Prank show. You couldn’t make this shit up, or could you….fake news? Another distraction from the main….attraction, the same as it’s always been Russia and America.

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