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Amanda Woodward were a five-piece screamo/post-hardcore band from Caen, France that formed in 2000 and broke up in 2007. They played an energetic brand of screamo that will build and break in the vein of City of Caterpillar, but with the sonic complexities of other French bands, such as Sed Non Satiata and Mihai Edrisch (both of whom Amanda Woodward were most likely influences on). Fans of European (or obviously more specifically, French) screamo know this band as an absolute classic, with their sole LP La Decadence De La Decadence being held as an absolute essential. Members of this band went on to form another incredible band, Aussitôt Mort. Enjoy.

1. Pleine De Grâce
2. Ecarté Du Lucre
3. La Malade Maquerelle
1. La Décadence De La Décadence
2. Binaire Et Lisible
3. “On” Est Un Con
4. Le Temps Du Deuil
5. Sous Le Feu Nourri
6. Dans Le Cas Où Les Flammes
7. Mise À Sac
8. Massacre À La Poinçonneuse

1. Amanda Woodward – A Fond De Cale
2. 1905 – Lingua Franca

1. A L’Assault
2. Sans Vie.Com
3. La Prospérité
4. On Les Aura Bien Plombé Les Yéyés
5. Amanda Woodward
6. Un Autre Con
7. Bomber Le Show-Bizz
8. Trop De Gens Qu’On Mal A Mon Crâne
9. Mange-Ton-Disque
10. Il Nous Reste les Caillaisses
11. La Perte
12. La Poussière Et La Cendre
13. L’air Du Temps
14. Ultramort

Note: Compilation of their first two EP’s and one compilation track

1. Meurt La Soif
2. Un Peu D’Etoffe

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