Download 2017-02-19 FREE DOWNLOAD – NYAH FEARTIES "Granpa’ Craw" (1995) Megaupload

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Scottish folk-punk legends Nyah Fearties were featured on Celtic Folk Punk and More back in 2009. Now their last album “Granpa’ Craw” is available on Bandcamp.
Released in 1995, Granpa’ Craw was the final Nyah Fearties album. More professional and produced than their previous efforts, the Fearties‘ confrontational lo-fi noise and experimentation had given way to a (marginally) more traditional approach.

Two versions of the album were released: the original “European bootleg” (given this title by the band themselves, following a dispute with their management) and the subsequent self-released “full” version featuring the bonus tracks included here.

released April 4, 1995

Davy Wiseman: Vocals, guitar, bass, whistling
Stephen Wiseman: Drums, percussion, banjo, bouzuki, backing vocals
Michael Woods: Fiddle, accordion, penny whistle
Allan Henry: Additional bass

Produced by Bobby Luccini at First Floor Studio, Brussels
“Safe as Houses” produced by Neal Cairns in Ali’s House, Kilbirnie
“Campbelton Loch” recorded live in Hannover, Feb. 25th 1995

Illustration and design by Allan Henry
Jockie Wilson painting by Tam McGibbon (cover of original pressing only)

Remember that you can listen to these songs on our 24/7 Streaming radio Celtic Folk Punk.

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